Saturday 22 July 2017

My hero is a caveman

My hero is actually a caveman. Poor Arnaut.

When he first appears in the story, he walks out from the depths of a cavern. He’s hiding there for a very special reason [ *see older post about The Heavenly Horse]. The local people are familiar with the many ancient caverns in the region and use them from time to time for shelter. In this case, Louise and her local guide take refuge from a fierce storm and to escape a pair of Napoleon’s secret agents.
Arnaut is not at all pleased to see them invading his hideout  and Louise would rather be anywhere than enclosed in the dark and eerie bowels of the earth.
Entry Gallery
Photo: Heinrich Wendel (© The Wendel Collection, Neanderthal Museum]
She is oppressed by being shut in this warren of rough and uneven areas, with unexpected columns of rock jutting up from the ground or dipping down from above to bump against her head. When at last Arnaut leads her back to the entrance, she’s overjoyed to see the blue sky and green hills.

Louise sets off to complete her mission. As she rides away, she wonders what Arnaut has done for him to be living in such a bleak place. But Louise comes from London and everything about the Pyrenees is strange to her at this point in the story.
The endless steep mountains and deep valleys…..

The small, sure-footed Merens horses
The mysterious Lake of Bethmale    
but she’ll learn…………..
                        …and my Caveman? Acually, he’s very charming.

Sunday 18 June 2017

The very nicest rake in France and England

For charm - and kindness, Arnaut has no equal

Lean and handsome, with glossy black hair and dark eyes that crinkle at the corners into a devastating smile, Arnaut never has the least trouble in attracting girls...or in bringing ladies of any age under his spell. His exquisite manners and warm heart only add to his charms. 

Of course, there is a dark side to all this... he must use these talents for political ends. Will he survive?

The Rake and His Honour    [ ]

                               The Rake and His Honour    [ ]                                 

 A recent review:   5 stars  A very enjoyable adventure and love story combined 
"Messages passed between nobles in France and England, spies bent on killing and maiming the messengers - a widow and a rake, gutsy chances that pay off despite serious injuries, and love that surmounts difference in status, this is a very enjoyable adventure and love story combined."

                                                The mysterious lake of Bethmale

         Read a short excerpt
Well aware of his powers, Louise is wary of Arnaut, but can she resist him?

In the window embrasure near the door of the boudoir, Arnaut was waiting. He turned to watch her approach, his smile growing wider as she came near. It was like being a fish on a hook. In spite of all her warnings to herself, she could not resist those gleaming almond eyes, that charming smile. You must not, her mind screamed, but her heart screamed back, Just this once.... Fool, fool! her mind warned even as she quickened her step.

‘Alone at last,’ he breathed, seizing her hand and turning it over to press a kiss on her wrist. 

The last shreds of her common sense vanished at the sensations this caused. To hide her hurried breathing, she made a show of turning him towards the window. Taking his right hand, she examined it thoroughly. The puckered scars were paling but still very obvious. She shook her head sadly. ‘I fear you will carry these marks always.’

His mouth curved in a grin. ‘No matter, it still works properly.’ He reached the scarred hand up to stroke her hair. ‘See?’ His face softened as his dark eyes dropped from hers to focus on her mouth. He glanced quickly up again then slipped his free hand to the back of her neck, drawing her closer. The fragrance of his cologne added to the sensory pleasure of his touch and the caressing murmur of his voice. She was lost. Her breathing quickened and a quiver ran through her. She clutched at the lapel of his jacket.

He angled his head. His lips were about to touch hers when there came the pounding of feet on the stairs.

Monday 24 April 2017

The Heavenly Horse

Heavenly Horse

Akhal-Teke horses are well-known for speed and endurance, intelligence, and for the distinctive metallic sheen of their coat. Natives of Turkmenistan, the bloom on the coat acts as camouflage in the shimmering desert heat. Prized for their beauty as well as their strength and skill, they are known as the Heavenly Horses. These horses are thought to be one of the oldest existing breeds in the world.
No wonder Arnaut de Montailhac is so proud of his Akhal-Teke, Zephyre. [in Scandalous Lady ]
… Olivia was still fascinated by the shimmering golden horse.
‘Mademoiselle,’ said the newcomer, ‘I am delighted to meet you at last. And I agree with you,’ he waved a hand expressively, ‘ My horse is the most beautiful creature you ever saw, n’est-ce pas?’
She was obliged to laugh. ‘Monsieur. Truly, he took my breath away. I have never seen such a proud animal and his coat is extraordinary – like metal.’
He wheeled round to ride beside her as they turned back towards the city. ‘This is Zephyre. He is an Akhal-Teke, a horse from the deserts of Turkmenistan,’ he explained as she shook her head in puzzlement. ‘He is fleet and strong, hey, my Zephyre?’ He leaned forward to pat the animal’s neck and the stallion tossed his head proudly.
The gentleman had a pronounced French accent but he spoke English without any hesitation. Olivia studied him from under her lashes as they rode on. She had noticed that Richard merely exchanged a nod with this gentleman. So they had met before. When? Why had he appeared now? She felt darkly suspicious but what could happen? They were merely riding back home after all. Soon she would be shut up inside four walls for another day of heartache. Her throat closed up as the misery surged up again. Don’t think ahead, enjoy the rest of this ride. At least for the moment she could admire this superb new horse.
She studied at the shining golden stallion as he trotted gracefully along. At once, her companion smiled and nodded. ‘I see you truly appreciate him. But these horses only accept one master.’
‘How splendid,’ she said wistfully, ‘He moves so beautifully.’
That was enough encouragement. The gentleman launched into a list of all Zephyre’s qualities. By the time he finally stopped for breath, Olivia had caught some of his enthusiasm. She managed a smile.